Take TARC to 2023 Bourbon & Beyond and Louder Than Life
September 11, 2023TARC will be joining PARC (Parking Authority of River City) this year to offer a great option for concertgoers headed to both Bourbon & Beyond (September 14-17), and Louder Than Life (September 21-24).
You can purchase parking in advance on PARC’s website.
Concertgoers can park at the PARC garage at 115 W Jefferson for $12. That price includes the cost of a TARC ride to and from the festival. Upon parking participants will receive a special ticket good for the roundtrip ride. PARC operations staff will be on hand at the garage to distribute tickets from 10 am to 4 p.m. every festival day.
From the PARC garage, concertgoers can board either the #28 Preston Highway at Jefferson and 2nd Street or the #2 Second Street on 1st Street between Jefferson and Liberty. Buses will come approximately every 15 minutes throughout the course of the day.

On the festival end, patrons can get off the #28 Preston Highway at the intersection of Preston and Hart and use the Gate 6 entrance. They can take the #2 to the intersection of Phillips Lane and Freedom Way, right next to the main entrance to the festival grounds.

The ride will take approximately 25-30 minutes each way. After the concert, buses will run until at least midnight, with both buses picking up at the same drop off points from earlier in the day.
TARC personnel will be on hand to answer questions and direct riders at the downtown stops in the morning and early afternoon and at the festival pick up points in the evening and after the concert lets out.